Talking Therapies Clinical Skills: Adjusting to Loss and Traumatic Grief

Talking Therapies Clinical Skills: Adjusting to Loss and Traumatic Grief
5 CPD Hours £259+VAT
Online Course, 5 CPD hours
Fri 22 Nov 2024 09:00-15:40

How to navigate challenging interventions and unpick traumatic grief

Book onto this engaging training day and join your fellow PWPs and CBT Therapists, to learn from Dr Jennifer Wild who will teach you how to improve your approach to supporting patients through loss and traumatic grief. This one-day interactive course will guide you through case-study informed presentations, immersing you into expert-led training. You will leave feeling confident, equipped and inspired by Dr Jennifer Wild as she shares her best practice skills to support you in achieving your therapeutic goals. 

A unique opportunity for expert guidance, case-study based learning and peer support

Attending this CBT dedicated training day will provide you with current, evidence-based skills on managing grief during your therapeutic sessions. Boost your therapeutic practice by working on how to: 

  • Investigate the optimisation of group bereavement sessions
  • Enhance your therapeutic skills to shift perspectives on loss 
  • Navigate loss related trauma within assessments
  • Develop your approaches towards grief, loss and trauma
  • Deliver appropriate, effective and client-driven care
  • Engage with the theory and put it into action with real-case study examples 
  • Refine your adaptations to support complex grief and trauma

Developed with convenience in mind: join this NHS online workshop remotely

We know that your training time is limited, that’s why we make sure that this course will provide:

  • Actionable goals: leave with a practical plan to improve your therapeutic approaches 
  • Clear guidance: accessible training to ensure that your learning is concise and outcome driven
  • Proven results: replicate positive change by examining functioning, verified case-studies
  • Space to ask your questions: be advised by your expert leader who will draw on real-life, practical experiences
  • Experience-led discussions: benefit from guided discussions with colleagues from across the country to capture the best ideas to put into the treatment room

Join, tech support and opportunity to network in your meeting room
Introduction, instructions and leader’s opening remarks
Dr Jennifer Wild, Associate Professor in Experimental Psychology & Consultant Clinical Psychologist, University of Oxford
Developing your approach to loss adjustment
Improving the effectiveness of adjustment for loss and trauma
  • What does ‘good adjustment’ look like?
  • Investigating critical events: intrapersonal, interpersonal and macro-level contexts
  • Developing trans-diagnostic model of psychological adjustment to LTCs to improve outcomes
Questions and answers with Dr Jennifer Wild
Screen break
Advancing loss related trauma
Effectively navigating loss related trauma within assessments
  • Evaluating the role of trauma: complex trauma presentations and traumatic grief
  • Managing unexpected trauma: establishing service-wide knowledge to refer appropriately
  • Collaborating with councilors and CBT therapists: what can we learn to improve treatments?
Questions and answers with Dr Jennifer Wild
  • This is a great opportunity to turn on your camera and microphone to ask your questions and hear the thoughts of your fellow attendees.
Interactive discussion: Shifting perspective on loss
  • What therapeutic tools can you use to shift a client’s perspective from ‘they’re not here anymore’ to how can I take them with me?
  • When in treatment would you do this?
Interactive discussion feedback: Shifting perspective on loss
Lunchtime screen break
Managing grief
Adapting complicated complex grief to support clients with recent loss
  • How can CBT therapies manage unexpected loss and grief during other interventions?
  • Navigating dynamic interpersonal therapy and integrating it into existing modalities
  • Delivering effective assessments for the unique profile of death related to Covid-19
Questions and answers with Dr Jennifer Wild
Screen break
Investigating different grief modalities: unexpected loss and unresolved grief
  • Evaluating the impact of group bereavement sessions and CBT interventions
  • Exploring the practicalities of grief group support and delivering successful interventions
  • Rapid access to Cruse support, localized bereavement support for effective bereavement support
Questions and answers with Dr Jennifer Wild
Closing remarks and close of day

Be guided by your expert course leader

Previously described as an ‘outstanding clinician’ and delivering courses that are not only ‘professional and informative’ also ‘extremely helpful for clinical practice’. Don’t miss your opportunity to join Jennifer Wild online.

Jennifer Wild

Associate Professor in Experimental Psychology & Consultant Clinical Psychologist
University of Oxford

Expected attendees

This course has been designed to meet the needs of all experience levels. Book your place to benefit from tangible support for effectively approaching loss and grief. Attendees will include, but are not limited to:

  • Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner
  • Senior PWP and PWP Team Leads
  • CBT Therapists

Past attendee feedback

Previously ran in 2021, attracted an audience of therapists who found the day engaging, relevant and helpful – with one attendee describing the day as ‘a brilliantly informative session’. But don’t take our word for it – here are some of the comments shared by attendees:

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“It was brilliant training and the training day was managed brilliantly by both the trainer and the hosts”
- High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Practitioner, Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Wellbeing Service
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“Really great session, super knowledgeable presenter and it felt a very friendly session today”
- High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Practitioner, Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Wellbeing Service
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“Good experience, makes things accessible and more flexible”
- CBT Therapist, The Big Life Group
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“Interesting, insightful presentation”
- Senior PWP, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
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“Excellently organised and easy to understand content”
- Senior CBT therapist, Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Wellbeing Service
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“Very interesting and will help me in future sessions with clients”
- Senior CBT therapist, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
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“Excellent, informative, great delivery, easy to follow. Very well laid out”
- CBT Therapist, Talking Matters Northumberland
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“Brilliant really clear and informative and lots of take away to put into practice in the treatment room”
- Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Space2BHeard

Pricing structure

  • £259+VAT for one NHS and Public Sector place 

Commercial companies are also invited to sponsor this day please contact Sarah Kemm for further details.


You can reserve a no-obligation place whilst you apply for funding

If your funding has not yet been secured or you would like to hold your place with no obligation whilst waiting for your study leave to be approved, you can reserve your place with us. Please email the reservations team at SBK Healthcare with your details:

  •  Booking contact: name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  •  Event(s) to reserve for: title and date
  •  Delegate details (for each delegate): name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  •  Organisation details: name and address

Alternatively you can make a confirmed booking by emailing the above information to the bookings team

How this online forum will work

Once you have booked your place, SBK Healthcare will correspond with you using the email address you provided at the time of booking. Within one week of the online training taking place, you will be sent final details of the course including a full agenda, programme timings and your Zoom joining instructions. This email will include a joining link that can be used to access the course.

If you have not received your email two days before your event, do check your junk folder then contact SBK Healthcare on 01732 897788.

Practice sessions are available. If you would like to attend a zoom practice session before the event takes place, please let us know by emailing You will have the opportunity to meet an SBK Healthcare staff member who will ensure you are able to access zoom, that your camera and microphone work and you are fully set-up for the day. This is optional but if you do wish to attend, please use the same device that you plan to use on the day.

On the day, when registration starts, you will be able to join the course by initially entering a waiting room when there may be a short wait. The forum will include screen breaks, as well as topic themed interactive sessions which will take place in the breakout rooms.

Click here to view the specially created 5-minute video that will walk you through how to get the most out of attending your SBK Healthcare interactive online forum.

Registration fees

You will be sent an instant payment option or invoice on registration. Your payment is required in advance. If your fee has not been received prior to the event, and you are not able to provide a PO or proof of payment, you will be asked to make a credit or debit card payment on the day.

Modify registration

To let us know if your details are not correct when you have already registered, please email the bookings team.

Cancellations and substitutions

A full refund of fees will be made only for cancellations received within the first 48 hours of the booking being made. Notice of cancellation must be received in writing by emailing the bookings team at SBK Healthcare. Should you need to cancel your registration after this date, the registration fee remains payable in its entirety although a substitution will be accepted and conference documentation will be provided. Substitution attendees for delegates unable to attend after registering are acceptable at any time.

Event changes

It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the conference organisers to alter the content, speakers or the timing of the programme. We will endeavour to keep you abreast of such changes but any unavoidable change to the format will not constitute a reason to refund the fee. Should the event be postponed, we will endeavour to reschedule the event. If, for reasons beyond the control of the conference organiser, the event is cancelled, a full refund will be made. We do not accept any liability for any incurred costs resulting from a postponement or cancellation.

Certificate of attendance

A certificate for Continuing Professional Development will be given to every fully registered participant who completes the course, as a record of your continuing professional training and development.

Privacy notice

To view the details on how your data is being collected and used, please view our Privacy policy.

Why sponsor a Talking Therapies National Networking Forum?

Our role at SBK Healthcare is to bring industry together with healthcare professionals so that you can educate and inform your audience. These trail-blazing Talking Therapy forums offering dedicated presentations, Q&A, networking and discussion time, each sponsor will be fully immersed into the event and able to effectively engage with your NHS audience.

Interested in your own event, managed by us?

SBK Healthcare also provides in-house forums. Working closely with you as the client we can research, produce, market and deliver the conference or online forum that best suits the audience and meets your goals.

Reach out today

If you would like more information on our sponsorship options an in-house forum or if you wish to discuss your needs and what solutions may be appropriate for your business, please contact:

Sarah Kemm

Contact: 01732 897788
